Author Archives: BetterBodySports

Nootropic Effects of Creatine

Nootropic Effects of Creatine

What is Creatine? Creatine is a compound comprising the amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. When bound, these three amino acids become a primary contributor to ATP recycling. It is ATP that is our muscles immediate energy source for more intense activities. Nutritional Forms of Creatine We will find most creatine sources in animals such […]

The Beginners Guide to Resistance Band Workouts

The Beginners Guide to Resistance Band Workouts

What is a Resistance Band? The original intent of the resistance band was to be used a rehabilitation tool. The developers made the first versions out of surgical tubing, which allowed the tension to increase as the band stretched out. In the rehabilitative setting, this allowed for individuals to perform resistance band workouts that moved […]

Biohacking For Bodybuilders

Biohacking for bodybuilders

Before biohacking there was a group of people who looked for faster ways to maximize the results they hoped for. Much like biohackers, bodybuilders set out on a quest for getting more out of their efforts. Bodybuilders asked the question: How can we build more muscle and burn fat faster? Prioritizing Recovery The original biohacking […]