Collection: For Men

What is in your tool belt in your quest to keep or gain that youthful vitality of previous years? Are you training hard, eating right (most of the time), but still find yourself more sore and with less energy than you used to be? Supplements for men are developed with these problems in mind.

Male Enhancement Supplements
What do you think when you hear this term? Probably the same thing as every other guy who reads it, increased libido and sex drive! OK, that is definitely one meaning of male enhancement, but it isn’t the only one. Male enhancement could mean increased strength, muscle mass, energy, endurance, and focus.

At Better Body Sports, we carry male enhancement supplements with ingredients for testosterone, vigor, and vitality. Our nutritional supplements are not a replacement for a proper nutrition program and regular exercise but are a weapon to add to your arsenal.

Testosterone Boosting Supplements
A testosterone booster is what almost every guy asks for when talking to a supplement salesperson, but is it what they need? Correcting low testosterone is one mechanism for increasing energy, strength, and muscle building, but it isn’t the complete picture.

As we age, men see a decline in insulin sensitivity, increases in body fat levels, and an elevation of estrogen. Males deal with increased inflammation and reduced creatine stores. The sum of these conditions leads to feeling less manly than we would like.

If we are honest, poor food choices and choosing the couch over the squat rack cause many of these issues. Stopping these bad habits is the first step to increasing testosterone production. But some are just natural processes we deal with as we get older, and supplements may help minimize the aging impact.

Want a Higher Testosterone Level?
OK, so you want to see your testosterone go up and by now you know that a testosterone supplement will not get the job done on its own. You need something to increase nitric oxide, reduce fat, control glucose, and increase creatine. A supplement with ingredients that help with these factors and testosterone is what you are looking for.

Better Body Sports Supplements for Men
In this category, you will find products with ingredients that fit this category. You can also find some of them outside of this category in other health and sports nutrition products. Men can benefit from our omega-3 fatty acid rich fish oil, C-AMPK, creatine monohydrate, magnesium, and Vitamin D3 supplement.

In this category, you will also find products commonly associated with male health. Natural ingredients such as saw palmetto for prostate health. Supplements within this category are specifically made with the man in mind.