Everything You Need to Know About Acetyl-L-Carnitine
What is Acetyl-L-Carnitine
before you can learn everything you need to know about acetyl-l-carnitine we first need to understand what it is. This acetyl bonded form of l-carnitine is a natural substance found in the human body. Carnitine itself is a derivative of both lysine and methionine which are essential amino acids. This means that while our body can make acetyl-l-carnitine, we can only do so through the metabolism of lysine and methionine. Without adequate essential amino acids in our diet, we may be low in base and acetyl carnitine.
Acetyl-l-carnitine is also known by its abbreviated name ALCAR. This acetylated form of carnitine is thought to be a useful sports nutrition and health ingredient that becomes more helpful as we age. L-carnitine plays a key role in energy production and mitochondrial function, which are requirements for exercise and everyday life.
Food Sources of Acetyl-L-Carnitine
We can also supply our body directly with carnitine. Meat and dairy products are rich sources of carnitine which we can then convert into the acetyl l carnitine form. Direct sources of acetyl-l-carnitine are not readily available in food products.
In non-animal products we can find significantly lower amounts of carnitine in wheat, asparagus, spinach, and chickpeas.
Why Acetyl-L-Carnitine is Important
Without taking preventative measures, we see a decrease in mitochondria and brain carnitine levels. Increasing carnitine levels through the diet and supplementation can help with mitochondria carnitine levels, little will reach the brain. Acetyl-l-carnitine’s main superpower is that it can pass the blood-brain barrier and help to increase brain carnitine levels.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine Supplementation
L Carnitine supplements have been a popular choice as a sports nutrition supplement. Many use an l carnitine supplements before exercise in order to increase energy levels hoping it will help with fat loss.
Alcar supplements are less commonly used as a before exercise supplement, but can be found in more advanced pre workout formulations. There is more use of this specific form of carnitine in a nootropic-brain boosting supplement. You can also find acetyl-l-carnitine as a standalone ingredient or in a formula developed for specific health and wellness benefits.
The key to the effectiveness of an acetyl l carnitine supplement is in the dosage. To achieve a certain benefit, you need to take the appropriate amount of alcar.
Effects on Weight Loss
You can find alcar in many weight loss pills. From a formulating standpoint, it is easier to get an appropriate dose of acetyl-l-carnitine in a formula since the dosage is lower than base l-carnitine. However, research does not suggest that either form of carnitine is a strong supporter of weight loss and stored fatty acid oxidation.
It may indirectly help in populations who have a health condition or induced form of weight gain. It does not, however, appear to help those who have adequate levels of this ingredient in the body.
Effects on Brain Function
One of the greatest potential benefits for alcar is cognitive function. Thinking requires energy and the energy we use metabolizes brain carnitine. It only makes sense that if we have a greater need for focus and concentration, we should aim to maintain high enough carnitine levels for peak concentration.
There are many aspects of cognitive function that may see a benefit with acetyl-l-carnitine supplementation but are especially important for attention. Restoring brain carnitine levels is one factor but alcar also appears to help improve Blood flow to the brain which may bring along other vital nutrients as well.
Effects on Workout Recovery
There appears to be a small benefit to improving post exercise recovery when using a carnitine supplement. Research suggests it may reduce oxidative stress and muscle damage. Pre exercise carnitine supplementation is best served along with other ingredients such as whey protein, creatine, and to improve post workout recovery.
Effects on Male Enhancement
One of the interesting things about carnitine is its ability to impact many areas of male performance. There is a notable effect in sperm quality with minor increases in sperm count and erections. Supplementing with acetyl-l-carnitine may be helpful with these issues but taking care of your general health with proper rest, regular activity, and healthy nutrition habits should be the first steps
Effects on Depression
We can see depression in most situations where we are deficient in a brain nutrient. With carnitine it appears to be two fold as we need this nutrient for our brains and for blood flow. Hypertension plagues our society since we operate in high stress and constrictive environments. l carnitine supplementation may help with blood flow but acetyl l carnitine can impact the brain by getting more nutrients passed the blood-brain barrier.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine Effects on Diabetes
Poor nutritional habits can have a negative effect on many important human processes. Not only do these poor choices make us deficient in these micronutrients but they also create a poor operating system to synthesize them. Researchers have shown diabetics to suffer from a carnitine deficiency.
The first steps to correcting this issue are better nutritional choices, weight loss, and resistance exercise. But alcar supplementation can also help. While its effects are not profound, using acetyl l carnitine with ingredients such as alpha lipoic acid may help create an optimal environment. Proper functioning that operates more efficiently, reduces diabetic neuropathy, and increases insulin sensitivity.
Health Benefits of Acetyl-l-Carnitine
There are potential health benefits to using carnitine but their effects are not profound. A short list of potential health benefits includes:
- Increases in HDL
- Decreases in LDL
- Improvements in total cholesterol
- Improvements in blood pressure
- Increased insulin sensitivity
- Reduced liver enzymes
Again, it is better to use this supplement with other beneficial ingredients if the goal is to improve health markers.
Who May Benefit from Supplementing With Acetyl-L-Carnitine?
- Vegetarians and those who do not eat essential amino acid rich foods
- Individuals suffering with infertility and performance related issues
- People who have experienced brain trauma and injuries
- Gym goers who frequently train at high intensities
- Students and professionals with cognitively demanding jobs
- Those with down syndrome and autism.
How Much Acetyl L-Carnitine to Take
How you plan to use Acetyl-l-carnitine will determine the dosage that you need. As a maintenance dose for cognitive performance you can begin with 600mg per day. Experts may suggest higher amounts up to 2000mg if suffering from a deficiency in brain and mitochondrial carnitine content. A person interested in supplementing for this purpose should discuss it with their doctor before using any product.