Chasing the Daily Pump
News Flash: Anxiety, depression, and hypertension are on the rise! I bet you knew that already didn’t you? As someone who has experienced all three and let me tell you, they are no fun. In
In this article we will discuss how chasing the pump in your daily life can help improve your health and fitness.
Constricted by Demand
It was a time in my life where I felt very boxed in. Early mornings without near enough sleep. Long drives in my car. Trapped in a 600 square foot fish bowl of a retail store. I felt like a rat and scientists on the outside were monitoring my every move. But this is a story for another day.
I felt very constricted. There was not enough physical, emotional, or financial room to perform life’s basic activities and needs. New pains and inflammation in my body developed daily. My estrogen levels tripled above normal, and eventually I was in the ER after blacking out while driving on the freeway.
Things were not good…
But this is life isn’t it?
I am sure you have a story where times were this tough?
Constricted by Choice
Life like this is sometimes out of our control, but most of the time it is self imposed. We create a constricted life where we cannot move the way our bodies need. We live a constricted life.
A normal person wakes up in their box house, gets in their box car, drives to their box office, sits at their desk in their box cubicle.
After work, they get in their box car, go back to their box house, and sleep in their box room. We are literally boxed in!
The Effects of Constriction
This type of lifestyle creates vasoconstriction. Vasoconstriction is the blood vessel’s way of living a constricted life. It is a major reason for headaches, inflammation, brain decay, weak muscles, and the previously mentioned anxiety, depression, and hypertension. This is just the short list.
We are meant to live our waking hours dilated, sending blood and vital nutrients throughout our bodies. Bodybuilders have an idea about this topic as they “chase the pump” every time they hit the gym. The pump is a massive dilation of the particular muscle being trained. It is what makes the muscle look HUGE.
Chasing the Pump Daily
An hour 4-5 days per week is not enough dilation to get the job done. This doesn’t mean you need to chase the pump with two a days in the gym. What we need is to move, bend, stretch, and rotate more. A one hour workout will help but not replace 15 or more hours of stationary living.
Each morning, my girls and I begin our school day by going for a walk or bike ride. They are different students than when they eat breakfast and immediately start their work. The reason being increased blood flow throughout the body, including the brain.
We know that kids need this which is why schools have playtime before, at breaks, and at lunch. Four different points by 3 pm, where they have gone out and moved. Why are we different? Sure kids have more energy but perhaps it is like asking what comes first, the chicken or the egg.
Rethink “Adulting”
Would we have more energy if we had these regularly scheduled play times? Perhaps this constricted life is the reason we are so tired all the time. It is worth rethinking the notion that we should have less energy than our kids. Maybe we should make it a goal to have our kids “keep up” with us?
Another way we increase vasodilation is through the food choices and quantity of the food we consume. Eating foods that promote vasodilation and eating within our energy needs is a fast way to feel better. Hydration is another part of this picture.
Dehydration = constriction
Hydration = dilation
It is that simple.
Facing Our Reality
Of course, you cannot tell your boss of 10-years “I read an article that says I need to move more, so you need to fix it.” Some of your lifestyles are set and while we can use our breaks and lunches to move, it may not be enough. Thankfully, we have supplements (shameless plug) that increase vasodilation. Our Unleashed Pumps, while originally used as a non-stimulant pre-workout product, is also great for daily dilation.
How you will get dilation into your day will be a personal choice but i’d highly suggest incorporating micro-workouts.
You will need to account for your time determining what you can do to increase the amount you move. But I strongly urge you to make this a top priority. In the hierarchy of health, most do not place it high enough. It has to be near the top, because when you feel well, you make better choices.
So what are you going to do to get dilated? Let me know! I’d love to hear your ideas.