What You Will Need for Peak Week
Contest Prep: What You Will Need for Peak Week
You have put in months of grueling workouts in a caloric deficit. You have had enough egg whites to keep a farm busy and single handedly kept the rice cake industry in business.
The hard work is almost done as you have given the diet everything you have, maintaining as much muscle mass as possible while losing the needed body fat. Now it is time to put on the finishing touches and prepare for showcasing the results of your contest prep. This article will help you understand what you need for final stage of competition called peak week.
Communicate With Your Diet Coach
We will not go over your specific nutrition needs as that will depend on what your contest prep coach recommends. Each prep coach’s recommendation will differ in the amount of the carb load and the type of carb to consume. Some may recommend carb loading with a low glycemic sweet potato while others may tell you to hit the local Denny’s for some pancakes and syrup. Trust your carb intake, water consumption, and sodium manipulation to a qualified coach.
Why You need to be Prepared
It’s challenging to remember everything that is needed for the last week of contest prep, but it’s a must do. Being unprepared on competition day will cause increased levels of stress resulting in less muscle fullness and increased water retention. Don’t let all of that hard work go to waste because you didn’t prepare for what you is needed the days leading up to contest day.
What You Need for Peak Week
Water Jugs
Water manipulation is a strategy most coaches will implement into their peak week program. Some will suggest going as high as a 3-gallon water load in a single day. While you may have a reusable water jug on hand, it’s helpful to have additional water jugs ready so that you do not need to seek a water refill.
Pump Up bands
Before the invention of resistance bands, backstage bodybuilders would use a set of weights. This was a challenge for the bodybuilder because they might have to fight for the weight they need. When pumping up, weights can be helpful for particular movements, but you run a greater risk of breaking down muscle tissue. This is not a good idea when in such a compromised state.
Light bands give a great pump as it increases tension at the peak contraction of the muscle. This limits the amount of muscle cell damage from your pump up workout. Also, bands are not expensive so you can keep your set on hand preventing you from having to wait for another competitor to be done with a weight.
If you read our “Contest Prep: What You Will Need to Start” article you understand that having a wireless and a wired set of headphones is a good idea. It is also important that you bring both sets of headphones with you to the show.
You may need melodic music to help keep you relaxed before hitting the stage. Then switching to energetic and motivating music the final minutes before being called out. Having good music on hand can help keep you in the mood you need to be in.
Spray Tan
It used to be that you needed your own tanning products applied on the days leading up to the show. Hotel cleaning staff would cringe at the sight of the bed the day after a competitor slept in it. Thankfully, this isn’t a common problem any longer.
Nowadays, Most NPC and natural bodybuilding competitions have an on-sight spray tan specialist available to take care of your tanning needs. But you can’t just show up on the day of the show and expect to get in line for the spray tan, you must set up your appointment well in advance. Be sure you take care of this weeks out from the show so that it is one less thing you have to do during peak week.
Note: because of the mess they make many show promoters will no longer allow for self tanning products. This is another reason to book your spray tan well in advance.
Brand New Razors
Shaving on the day of the contest can lead to skin irritation from the posing oils and tanning products. For that reason, most suggest that a competition athlete shave approximately 2-days before the contest. Having a brand new razor that leads to a tight shave can help prevent stubble come the day of the show.
High Quality Posing Oil
Listen to enough former bodybuilders and you will hear the “pam cooking spray” recommendation. While that may be better than nothing, and does work for some, it is well worth the money to make the small investment in oil created to enhance your physique.
A good oil will evenly distribute across your body, showing your muscle definition. It will leave your spray tan intact rather than creating lines of different colors that will distract the judges from seeing your best physique.
Backpack or Bag With Meal Prep Compartments
All competitors will need a bag to carry around the bands, oil, hair products and other items for the day of the show. For wellness, fitness, figure, and bikini competition additional items like makeup, jewelry, and heels will need to be kept safe and close by. Also, each athlete will need a cooler bag to keep the carbohydrate and glycogen / sodium loading foods readily available.
While you could purchase these as separate items, it just makes sense to purchase a single unit to carry around with you on competition day. Thankfully, there are a wide variety of fitness bags that keep your food and gym products in one place. Our resident contest prep coach Pete Ciccone makes it a habit to buy a new meal prep backpack before each show as a reward for his hard work. Then continuing to use the bag after his bodybuilding competition is complete.
Comfortable Robe or Sweatpants
There is a lot of downtime on the day of the show so you want to be comfortable when waiting for your turn to take the stage. It doesn’t have to be fancy or name brand, it just needs to feel good. Being itchy or feeling “off” with your clothing is a distraction you do not need.
Athletic Towel
There are several reasons to keep a towel handy when it is game day.
- During your pump up routine you may experience excessive sweating. A smooth towel can gently remove the buildup.
- Wiping your feet off with a towel just before walking out can help prevent the embarrassing slip on stage moment that we have all witnessed.
- Use your towel for stretching and lengthening purposes making sure you can move through the mandatory poses and your posing routine.
Back up Trunks or Suit
You never know what is going to happen on the day of the show. A bodybuilder, classic physique, and men’s physique competitor should keep a spare set of trunks on hand.
While it is expensive, the women’s bodybuilding, fitness, physique, figure, wellness, and bikini competitor should have an extra suit ready just in case of a wardrobe emergency.
Purchase both your trunks and suits well before peak week so that you do not have to wait for delays and shipping times to have your outfit ready.
Now you know what you need to be at your best on the day of the show. Want more contest prep guidance? Stay up to date with our latest Contest Prep articles by signing up for our newsletter below.